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We treat a wide range of issues related to muscular or joint dysfunction. You can expect a thorough assessment & diagnosis, followed by hands-on manual therapy and individualised exercises. We treat the following, but not limited to:


- Neck pain & wry neck

- Low back pain & sciatica

- Headaches (Cervicogenic)

- Sporting injuries of the ankle, knee & shoulder

- Tendonopathy of achilles, rotator cuff, patella, hamstring

   & gluteal tendons

- Tennis & golfers' Elbow

- Plantar fasciitis  

- BPPV / Vertigo

- TMJ (jaw) pain or locking

Physio exercises


Dry needling is often combined with conventional treatments to help relieve localised & referred muscular pain. This practice is becoming very popular as it can have immediate results when applied correctly. The treatment involves the insertion of a sterile, single use acupuncture needle into a tight band of muscle or trigger point to elicit a 'twitch response', resulting in the relaxation of the muscle. It is a very safe practice when performed by qualified practitioners and will generally only cause slight discomfort. 



Dry needling masseter


We are passionate about sport and understand the frustration of injury. "How long will I be out for? Will I do myself more damage if I train through pain? What exercises will help or hinder my return to full fitness?". At PHIX you can expect a thorough assessment and diagnosis of your injury, allowing us to answer these questions for you.


We will ensure any strength &/or mobility issues associated with the injury are addressed in order to prevent re-injury down the track. 

Ankle strapping


It's an unfortunate fact that the combination of high training loads on growing bodies can often lead to acute & overuse injuries. If managed correctly in the early stages, these can be little more than a temporary issue. However, if not addressed, they can progressively worsen or become a reoccurring issue.  


We are passionate about treating young athletes of all levels, with an emphasis on correcting muscle imbalances, whilst addressing sporting technique & providing advice on load management. 


We also offer sports specific strength training for young athletes wanting to take their performance to the next level. 


Adolescent sports training
Knee Assessment


If you have recently had, or are booked in for surgery, we can help ensure you have the best possible outcome. We will work directly with your surgeon to make sure you reach all expected milestones. This often includes improving range of motion & strength through manual therapy & specific exercises. 


Common Surgeries requiring post-operative care:


- Shoulder > Rotator cuff repair, subacromial

  decompression, reconstruction, stabilisation

- Knee > ACL reconstruction, meniscus resection

- Calf > Achilles tendon repair

- Ankle > Ankle reconstruction, ligament repair,

  bunioectomy, fracture

Spine > Discectomy, spinal fusion/stabilisation,


Back pain advice


At PHIX we are strong advocates of injury prevention. This service is for anyone getting reoccurring aches & pains when training or hitting performance plateaus.


What it includes:

- Assessment of joint range of motion    

- Muscle strength testing 

- Movement analysis of fundamental lifts

- Written report of findings with suggested mobility &

  strength exercises 

- Hands on treatment of any limitations found

Mobility screening



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Unit 6, 1 Howard Street

Fremantle, WA 6010


Opening Hours:

Mon: 6.30am - 3pm

Tuesday - Thursday: Appointments as per availability 

Friday: 6.30am - 3pm 

​​Saturday: Closed​

Sunday: Closed

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